Friday, May 13, 2005
Good and Plenty
There's a great Everybody Loves Raymond where another one of Robert's idiosyncrasies is revealed. It turns out that there's a reason why they are called Good & Plenty. Apparently, the pink ones are the "good's" because they taste better and the white ones are the "plenty's" because there's always more of them. Additionally, there are the "cuties" which are the irregular ones.
Since Everyone Loves Themes, I have some IMDB quotes with a cleanliness theme:
Marie Barone: I don't lose things, Frank. I'm organized.
Frank Barone: Not organized, insane! She's got a shoebox labeled pieces of string too small to use.
Ray Barone: All right Ally, you have to do what Mommy says.
Ally Barone: Why?
Ray Barone: 'Cause I do.
Debra Barone: A clean house is not the most important thing in the world.
Marie Barone: You know who says that? A messy person.
[Ray is trying to seem manly to a friend]
Ray Barone: [to Debra] Let's try and get it spot free. This isn't like at home where I let that stuff slide.
And, the best episode EVER!:
Ray Barone: You know, we make a pretty good team together, your availability and my attractiveness.
Robert Barone: Yeah, it's like Robert-Raymond.
Ray Barone: No, it's Raybert.