Monday, August 01, 2005
So, I've been trying to figure out God's plan for me serving at newhope. I was truly burnt out on the tech team and feeling very stretched. J.J. and my wife have graciously taken over (although it's put a lot of work on Sabrina for which I feel bad about). Still, they seem to be doing well, perhaps even better without me. I'm sure I never really learned how to handle myself as a leader in that regard. I think teaching technical stuff isn't my fortê. If someone doesn't get it after the second or third time, I get frustrated.
While I continue to learn appropriate expectations and patience, I've been praying to find my place to serve. Then, something sort-of-happened. Angie Hairgrove (formally Yoder) has been some what pushed, but not reluctantly, into taking the reigns of the drama ministry at newhope. While I certainly don't feel I could lead anything, I believe I could be an asset and I'm pretty sure I want to be a part of this ministry. I loved working with Elle, but rarely got a chance to do so. I am definitely a student of a more traditional theatrical training where you are sure to face out, project, block out scenes and, all the while, develop your portrayal of the character.
I think Angie's formal education sets the stage (no pun intended) for that more traditional approach to newhope drama. I've only worked with her once, but it was good. Once we encouraged her to boss us around (I believe good actors prefer to be bossed, but like to contirbute, too), it was an overall good experience. I have had the theatre bug since I was like 7. I've done more plays than I can remember at times and worked backstage for more productions than I could ever remember.
The other thing is that I love singing, too. I tried out for WAM, but was told to keep working on it. Although that was a little let down, I did try to work on it and was thinking of trying out again. Still, I don't know if that's where I'm being called either. I love praising the Lord through song. I definitely feel... closer?... to Him when I'm singing praises. Meanwhile, I can easily do that from my seat in the congregation.
Still, I've got the skill set to help on the tech team where help is often needed. Despite the fact that my knowledge and skill specifically at newhope is certainly less than others that have far surpassed my ear and skill in that building, I could probably still help as an able body to stand behind the board and make it sound... OK.
I am pretty certain that my joy is lights. I think I like painting with lights. I studied what lights could do in high school and got to even utilize some of the cool effects throughout my theatre "career." Lighting is much more emotional than sound and can have a great impact on a message or a moment (see J.J. about Easter Sunday at the high school). With some more lights or intelligent lighting, I think I could really enjoy doing lighting design, but that's future and I would like to serve now.
So, I pose the question: What do you think? Help me by letting God speak through you and give me some advice. I'll still be praying and trying to hear from the Man Himself, but I believe a foolish man does not hear God speak to him through others.
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You actually blogged about it! I totally thought you were kidding when you said that ... oh well ... I'm not as special as I thought I was *sniff* :-)
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