Sunday, March 05, 2006

What's in a name?

As some of you may know, we got a new car. Felix got a nice wash and wax today. It took me almost 5 hours to detail the car, but I wanted to get a coat of wax on it sooner rather than later. Neighbor Steve lent me some plastic cleaner/protectant. I hate waxing cars, but I know it needs to get done. Hopefully, I can keep up with it and keep the car in good condition. Speaking of, my birthday is coming up and I was thinking about what I wanted. I decided that what I really wanted was car care products. "Why?" you ask? Because I haven't kept up with what's the good stuff. I know there are a lot of you out there and I'm sure some of you have some good ideas for what's good to use. I have been using Meguiare's Wax. I think they're very good. I may start using Meguiare's car wash, too, just to insure my wash doesn't clean off the latest wax job. I went to their website and they had a little thing that helps them market their products in a more personalized way to you. Link to my results. So, I figured, for the friends that thought, "I would get something for Steve, but I really don't want to spend a lot of money (or can't afford to)," I thought a less than $10 gift of leather wipes or hose protectant might be something someone would get. So, if you were thinking about getting me something, car care care products would be an excellent choice. Also, it looks like we may have some car audio details to work out. I've already got a Circuit City gift card that I haven't used. If you were looking for something simple to get me, a Circuit City gift card would do just fine, any amount... I can pool them together to help pay for the installs. This is all assuming that my friends would even get me presents for my birthday. I don't normally say anything or have a big party, but the whole car care idea had me thinking that maybe I could ask for some gifts that wouldn't really be asking for too much. Oh, my birthday is on March 18.
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