Sunday, June 12, 2005

Staying up 'til Midnight

Sometimes, for my job, I have to stay up to midnight. I won't bore you with the reason why, but suffice it to say, I run out of things to do. I usually try to play video games, as I did tonight. I was playing EQ2, but I died and didn't feel like playing much more after that. Here's a profound statement, dying is always a major downer. So, then I started catching up on my blog reading. Whenever I read a blog, I try to comment at least once before leaving, assuming there's new material to comment on... (Josh?) So, I made some attempt to be funny on a comment on Angela's blog. Then, I linked to my own blog and checked for new comments. Yes, I'm Emailed, but check my Email less than I hop on my own blog, just to make sure it's there. 'Cause you never know when, one day, it just disappears... and you're left wondering, "Where'd my blog go? It was right here a second ago. I know it was there when I left the house this morning." Or worse, you post pictures of your missing blog on street poles and offer a reward. Then, you're worried and you start thinking about all the awful things that are out there, "What if it caught something? Like a virus? Or was hacked?" And you try to put it out of your mind, but you're worried and you don't know what to do... Don't let this happen to you. Check your blog often. Make sure it feels loved... Josh. This is what happens to me when I have to stay up.
So I know that Sabrina is pretty and Josh is deep (actually I think it was Dan's at first wasn't it?) and that Nick is a geek but ... my little "qualifier" following my blog is a little less permanent than theirs don't you think? What are you going to do in 3 1/2 weeks when I'm not engaged anymore? Huh?
Oh... so easy... She MARRIED!! Yea!
Hang with me man...
THAT'S my discerning characteristic? I'm married? That's all you think when you look at me? hmph *pout*
Well, at least for your first few weeks (maybe months), married will be a big deal. Then, I'll just make it, "She's J.J.'s" hehe...
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