Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Rock 'n' Roll, Koochy Koo

So, as Sabrina mentioned, there is a very big concert coming up... Green Day with Jimmy Eat World opening. Now, I've been to something like 16 shows. Not really the 27,000+ that Jordan's been to. Newsboys have given the best shows so far... coming down from the rafters on a UFO, spinning vertical raised drum duet, giant inflatable concert hall... they're gimmicks, but they're great gimmicks! I have requested the day of the concert and following day off from work. I hoping to make it a wonderful experience... I'll probably still work, but I'll do it from the comfort of my house and, preferrably, my bed. Wireless internet is a must if you have a laptop... Someday, I'll convince my wife to tell me how to do the stat tracking thing and start addressing my audience. Speaking of audiences, I have volunteered to participate in a drama this Sunday. With some grace from God, everything will go smoothly for Angie's first endeavor of leading the drama ministry at newhope. Hopefully, I'll get the script soon to start memorizing lines.
its a secret.
So if there's actually a drama someone will have to give Rob a tutorial of how to run sound for lapel mics. We told him that if there was ever a drama to call one of us and we'd show him except ... well ... we're going to be in Kansas this weekend so clearly that won't work. Just a heads up.
Curtis and Rob are meeting Saturday night with the drama rehearsal to get that squared away. :)
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