Wednesday, September 28, 2005
My Wife's Hair
So, this weekend, I helped Sabrina dye her hair red. She's tried it in the past and I always thought it looked good. Over the years, she's gotten more daring and this latest red was definitely closer to where I'd ultimately be most happy with a red-headed wife. It wasn't as subtle as past reds have been. But, it's not loud. It's strong, like my wife.
So, upon her request, I helped her dye it. Specifically, I dyed it. I squirted the gel in and rubbed it in. I definitely feel I could have done a better job, but this WAS my first time. After she washed it out and the hair was still wet, I was convinced I did a phenomenal job. Then... she dried it.
It was as if she was blowing the red out of her hair. Suddenly, I saw how poor of a job I did. Don't get me wrong, the color is great and in certain light, it looks like I did it perfectly. But, in other light, I see how I could have improved.
Still, my wife is hot. Don't agree? Then you're obviously blind and I pity you.
The next time she asks me to dye her hair, I'll do better and she'll be even hotter.