Monday, October 03, 2005
Phoenix Ashes
Last night, I watched Flight of the Phoenix on Cinemax On Demand. The movie is OK, but I'm glad I didn't pay for it. It was fine if you've got nothing better to do, but do NOT choose to watch this movie over anything else. You will be sorely disappointed. Luckily, I was waiting on laundry to finish and not sure what to do with the couple of hours before I expected my wife to call me.
She never called, so I ended up playing Super Mario Sunshine that I borrowed from Angela & J.J. I am enjoying Sunshine, but it's starting to get hard. Also, I'm not sure how to beat the game. I'm pretty sure the answer is "save the princess," but then, it seems, that you only have to beat one area of the game. After some reading, I know that you don't save the princess by collecting all the shines because there are a number of secret and extra shines. Moreover, I found out that the reward for collecting all the shines is weak. So, I'm not even sure if I'm going to bother. It's fun to collect the ones I can, but I think I'm quickly arriving at, "Let me save the princess and beat this game already!" We'll see how it goes.