Sunday, March 12, 2006
The taxman cometh
I finished our taxes yesterday. I woke up and I felt like I was on a mission to have an eventful Saturday. I was going to wash and wax Felix and do some other things that I needed to get done.
So, I woke up and headed straight for the office. I started working on bills and then headed for taxes. I finished 'em!!! Woohoo! And, for the first time in a few years, we're getting a refund, which is greatly needed to help pay for Felix and other things.
Also, starting yesterday was my birthweek. I'm excited as I suspect I will be having a get together at Moe's. I'm looking forward to having a little Steve time where all my friends are gathering for me. I used to not really care about that, but lately, it's become apparent that I really want that. That and car care products.
Speaking of, I've been looking at Mother's car care stuff. They had a great website with tips and tricks and it looks like they have some great products. Yes, that's a hint.
Lastly, I'd like to tell you that my wife got motivated by my Saturday morning get-up-and-go. She cleaned our office (well, as best one can). It looked great until I made a mess again. She also worked on some other things and then went shopping.