Wednesday, December 21, 2005

American Idol

Now, I'm not really an American Idol fan. I tuned in when I heard a North Carolinian was doing particularly well and I rooted for Clay just because he was from Raleigh. But, this year, I have a particular interest. This year, I have family that made it to California. My cousin, John Munro, has made it to Hollywood. Unfortunately, I found, literally, just this minute, that John made it through the first audition in Hollywood, but was cut from the second. All in all, he says, he's glad he did it and it was a good experience. So, for those of you were hoping to help me root on my family to stardom... I'm sorry. Still, it was cool while it lasted.
But now you have to watch every episode to see if he makes it onto national TV as an audition tape.
Do I? Really? I love him, I'm proud of him, but I don't think torturing myself is required.
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