Friday, November 18, 2005
Swing... and a miss?
Somehow, I don't know how, but somehow, without it making any sense, somehow BOTH my wife and I missed the fact that there was a televised Canes game on last night. They played the Rangers, who are my sister's recently acquired fiancé's favorite team. That means, it was incredibly important to watch the game so that, if we won, which we did, I could be sure to call him to rub it in and mention specifics.
The good news: The Canes are playing the Rangers tomorrow @ 1pm. We've already set the DVR to record it. So, assuming we beat them down again, I can, at least, call him to rub in that we beat them twice, back-t0-back. Obviously, rubbing this in is VERY important. So, I hope we win again.
Lastly, I am seriously considering getting a second DVR for our living room. I have enough inputs and cable signal to easily hook up another DVR to the one TV. This would allow us to tape up to four shows at one time. Now, you have to understand that some of Sabrina's shows come on at the same time and she's been watching shows like this since the days of the VCR. I'm not about to ask her to give up a show so that I may watch something I want to watch. Additionally, since we've gotten into hockey, many of the game cut into prime time, which these days, you have to have a DVR just to watch all the good shows in the networks. Anyway, the short of it is, between hockey games and my shows (CSI, Mythbusters, Family Guy, etc. {all which Sabrina will watch, but do not pre-empt her shows}), I would really enjoy having a second DVR.
So, this brings up the question: Although most of you think we watch too much TV right now, would this REALLY be too much?
Remember, we get every channel Time Warner offers in the Raleigh division. It's a lot of TV to choose from... all I'm saying is, why should I have to choose? What do you think?
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We have two Tivos ... one records my shows, the other records JJ's shows. Both of them record football games because they are just so darned long. I think it's a great idea. But be warned, once you have 2, it's tough to go back.
I definitely do not think it's too much. Of course, you're I'm the guy who built his own DVR so he could have 2 inputs per PCI slot. I don't have them yet, but the plan is still to fiill them all up. Should I fill them up, that would give me the equivalent of six DVR's. So no, in my (biased) opinion, two is not too much.
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