Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I've been remiss

I'm sorry. A whole week without posting... my wife explained how busy we've been. I've rarely been home much earlier than her. In classic Mindless Juices style, I have comments to make about Creative Juices. First, about the Fall lineup on TV: Really, the only thing I have to say is John Leguizamo single handedly saved E.R. for me. It sounds like he may have saved it for more than just me. The character is great and, man, ever, did we need a doctor who has some personality and knows something and leads the newbs. I mean, why did we really love E.R. before? It was watching Carter being mentored by Dr. Greene and watching a young doctor grow in knowledge and life. Second, I suggested the Lord of the Rings, but Sabrina couldn't even stay awake during the movies, I doubt she could handle the audio books. I would prefer fiction so that I can get involved in the story. I think non-fiction would have me stopping to pause and think ponder over what's being said... and probably often enough to completely annoy my wife. I know there's at least a few guys that read my blog, the question is, do they read anything else? If you do, please get me a recommendation. While I am a good sport, I don't think I'd be very interested in anything having to do shopaholics.
JJ and I both like sports stories a lot - we're both big non fiction fans. Our last two books on tape for a road trip were "A Beautiful Mind" and a biography of Ted Williams of the Boston Red Sox. Somehow, I don't think that's up your alley is it? I left Sabrina a couple of good ones on her blog (good in my opinion).
Hmm, too bad we've already read the best hockey book out there.
I do read other things. Unfortunately, I don't think they are things either of you would enjoy as a team. Though, there are some things that I want to read (and by "read" I mean "listen to while driving") that you may both enjoy. Unfortunately for you, I've already posted those links on Sabrina's blog. Because, well, it's purple. Sorry dude.
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