Monday, March 20, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!

So, we begin by having to wake up early. Not a good start. We wake up and head to newhope for the WAM training day. The guest speaker Will talked for a while. I think he went almost 30 minutes over. So, that cut into our training time. Lucky for me, none for the lighting techs showed up. We spent the whole time swapping knowledge and having Angela teach us about the compressor. We also decided the next big knowledge hole in our equipment is the FX processor. I'm confident we have a lot more that we're capable of doing. Right now, we're just limited by the number of I/O's on the sound board... Correction, fully functioning I/O's. After that, we headed home we're God and the NHL planned an afternoon game for my Hurricanes to play. The DVR had already recorded half meaning I could fast forward through commercials. I watched the game and then promptly took a nap. I woke up and we headed to my party. We headed to Moe's with Funfetti cupcakes in hand. Nick & Kelli were the first to arrive. I didn't know they were coming!?! My wife wondered how I didn't see the Evite she sent everyone that she left up on our computer for the past three days. It was at that moment that I realized, I haven't touched the home computer in three days! Yes, not only have I not played video games, I haven't even touched the computer. Anyway, many, many people showed up and I felt loved. I had no idea how many people would show and I expected a weak turn out. I was truly, pleasantly surprised. As the gifts go, I got some car care products and some cash and some cash vouchers. I got very awesome cards. But, the highlight of the night was when Josh and Mamie decided to let me convince them to come over and play one game of Settler's of Catan. Even Sabrina played just so that we could have a fourth. I won, and, since it was my birthday, I didn't feel bad about the losers. It was a long game because Josh tended to take a little extra time to make his decisions. The girls would also sometimes forget to pass the dice to end their turn. The game ended a little later than I expected, but still with enough time to have a decent night's sleep, even for Mamie who had to be up early for church. I would like to say thanks for everyone who came to Moe's and thanks for birthday presents and thanks for good times.
Hey man... I was just tryin' to do the right thing! Sorry I'm the slowest game player ever. I might have had a chance to win if I hadn't been blocked in early on. I take full blame though. Ok... so we let you win. Well, that's not true. Anyhow, we both had alot of fun and glad you had a great b-day!
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