Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Albie's Downpour
So, tropical depression Alberto dropped a lot of rain on North Carolina. It has resulted in a lot of flooding in Raleigh and Cary. In fact, BOTH sides of the road that my office is on is actually closed off!
Now, that may sound like I'm not going home today, but there's a parking lot on the corner that we can cut through and escape. Thank goodness... But some people weren't so lucky. A 13 year old boy drowned in a drainage pipe in Franklin Co. Also, Crabtree Valley mall is MORE than flooded, it's just screwed. I got this shot off a DOT traffic cam:
Our next door neighbors had some vehicles in their parking lot that needed to get towed out because the flood waters were so high.
We tried to order a pizza so no one had to go out in the mess and/or contribute to the traffic out there. Unfortunately, EVERYONE had the same idea and all three pizza joints nearby had 90-120 minute wait times. I ended up venturing out for me and my officemate.
The waters are rising and getting out of this office MAY actually be difficult in not too very long. Wish me luck.