Friday, October 28, 2005

God will take care of you

So, I was quite bummed about finding out that Sabrina's car has reached the point of the-repair-costs-more-than-the-car-is-worth. On my way into work, I managed to stress myself out about affording a car payment. As I was walking into the building, I decided to stop and trust God. I was still visibly bummed and arrived to a room full of technicians and supervisors working on this project for TWC with me. They asked me what was wrong. I was trying not to bring my personal issues to work, so I didn't tell them immediately. After a while of them trying to make me smile (incredibly annoying), I told them why I was bummed. One of them offered to buy my wife's car, another offered to sell me his daughter's car. This is a great story: One month after buying his daughter a car, she moves out of his house and moves to Greensboro and moves in with her boyfriend who recently got out of jail. Daddy's not too happy, so he's taking back the car that's in his name. When he does, we'll take a look at it and, if we like it, we'll work something out. The deal would be phenomenal. So, hopefully, it will all work out. --Steve
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