Tuesday, April 11, 2006

New toys

Things are finally calming down at work, at least, in my area. That means, I'll still need to help other areas catch up and everyone should pray that we don't get any thunderstorms in this area for at least a couple of weeks. I know, I know, Raleigh has a water shortage... It can rain as long as there's no thunder and lightning. Meanwhile, I've been given some new toys. Specifically, a new phone and a new laptop from my wonderful company. My new phone is a Blackberry. Yes, that's right. If I manage this right, Sabrina won't actually need to be my PDA anymore. 'Cause, I actually have one now. It's very cool and I like it. There were doubts as my work never really stops, so I thought, this just allows more of it to follow me around. But, I've found that it actually allows me to keep my Inbox cleaner, handle issues faster and, all-in-all, helps me do my job faster and better. The interface is a little "clunky" and it's not particularly the best phone I've ever had. It's a lot more difficult to look up phone bumbers than it used to be. However, I can have a lot more info in the phone than I used to have, and, well, now I can Email from it. My other new toy is a new Dell laptop. There are two main features that make me happy. I now have built-in wireless networking. This is just convenient that I don't have to get one other thing out of my bag and wait for it to "load." Most importantly is USB... now, I know, USB isn't that exciting these days. But, my old laptop had USB 1.1. This one has 2.0. If you don't know the difference, it's about 10x faster. This is important when you need to move around 1 gig of files. The actual difference is from 20 minutes to about 2 minutes. Additionally, there are more USB ports. With the addition of my Blackberry, this was a need. Even prior, my mouse and printer took up my only two ports. Now, with my new port replicator (docking station), I have 5 USB ports! The only drawback to the laptop is a limited screen resolution. I like big desktops and don't mind little icons and text. I like a lot of work room. I have dual displays setup in my "office" (yes, I have a cube). My screen resolution is 1024x768. I prefer 1280x1024. But, c'est la vie. Lastly, at church, I recently ran into some frustrating dimmer packs. Unfortunately, the problem pack is up very high. The best solution is to switch the dimmer pack with one much closer to the ground. This is a daunting task. The dimmer pack isn't, but the unmounting at heights is. However, I tell you this not because of the work needing to get done, but because of what I was told on Sunday. You see, with the dimmer pack not working right, we were down 2 channels. The meant three actual lights were NOT working on Sunday morning. Yet, I got more compliments about lights than I do on most Sundays. Perhaps less *IS* more? Anyway, I'm the lights seemed better because Rob did a fantastic job on sound. I can honestly say I've never heard it sound that good unless Angela was running the board. Moreover, the WAM team worked particularly hard at particularly difficult music. They really brought their A game. Through all of this, I can only hope that we all, myself included, remember that we strive for such excellence to praise our God and to create an environment for the Holy Spirit to move and someone to, at least, consider God as more than they did before they arrived.
Awww thanks for the compliment ... you and JJ taught me everything I know ... and I like to pretend like Rob's my protege :-)
USB2 is actually 40 times faster than USB1.1 :)

And yes, Blackberries are clunky. We handed them out at work and within a month, everyone had been switched over to Windows Mobile devices. That was mostly because the Blackberry server software SUCKS and Exchange 2003 can now do what it does. The UI is still clunky, though. And it SUCKS. I just wanted to use capitals one more time. Sorry.
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