Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Office

These are my "office-mates," Sam & Chris. Do you want to take any guesses as to which one is which? I'll give you a hint, Chris is short for Christie... and Sam is sitting in the yellow shirt... and Christie is standing. They don't know I'm posting this picture on the internet, so if they ever find out, I may not be coming home. So, just in case: Dear, just remember, I love you, always. Anyway, these two make the office a home away from home. We watch each others' backs when it comes to covering for vacations or personal emergencies. But, more importantly, we're a team politically. For those of you who haven't worked in management for "big business," it can be political. It's nice to know that there are, at least, two other people whose best interest is the same as my best interest. So, when they go to meetings that I don't go to and I go to ones they don't go to, we're also saying the same thing, trying to acheive the same goals and able to alert each other to changes coming down the pipe. More importantly, I'm confident that these two will fight the good fight. And, for the first, time, I think that means that there may be some changes for the better. Hopefully, the timing will work out nicely for the arrival of our baby. Speaking of, we had to figure out how much time we'll be taking off for that time. I have a decent amount of time accrued that I can use. But, more importantly than that, I'm hoping I can actually go "back to work" without using up my leave time with a little combination of work-from-home and actually going into the office. I plan on staying home for as long as it takes to bond properly with my child. I'm reading a book that's basically all about that. I'm really looking forward to it. So, I'm writing this on my battery on my laptop which is going to die very soon. So, I'm going to wrap this up despite the fact that I wanted to write some more, hopefully more interesting stuff.
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