Wednesday, August 09, 2006

TesTiNg, 1, tw0, tHree...

So, who knows if this post will even go through. For the three people who read my blog, thank you missing me and "voicing" your "concern" regarding my absence. I have had a terrible time trying to post all sorts of interesting things on my blog. I had posts encompassing topics about family, about friends, about the adoption, about travling, about video games and about recent news. I tried a total of four times to post rather large posts. The first one was my fault. It didn't go through because I was on my Sprint Card wireless connection. The rest, well, they didn't go through because Blogger didn't work right. For whatever reason, they neither posted nor were they auto-saved as drafts. So, they were completely lost. And after wirintg for 5-10 minutes or 20-30 or 45-60... well, you just don't feel like writing anymore, especially not everything you just wrote. The wise thing to do would be to write it down in a text file and copy and paste into Blogger. But, I'm not that smart. Moreover, I think Blogger's software should work like it's supposed to. I shouldn't have to work around it, even if I can. Anyway, the main thing I want to write about is the fact that we are, as of this moment, not getting a baby this year. Everything was going SO well, I finally started letting my hopes get up a little bit. THAT was a mistake. Korea has closed its doors and, thus, caused me a great disheartening. I was looking forward to being a dad this year. The timing of getting a baby in the winter (the wife's and my slow time) along with the way the money works out with tax credits and reimbursements... well, it was all just so well planned. Now, a foreign government throws a wrench into it all. There are some silver linings that I need to cling to. First, it is possible they might re-vamp the adoption credit and raise it. That would help out with the finances. Speaking of, this extra time gives us a chance to try to save more and be financially better off. And, well, we have to believe that God has a plan for all this... His timing, you know? And, being that He's omnicient, I'm guessing that He might know something we don't. So, changing subjects, I went to FL this past weekend. I saw my immediate family. My little sister graduated college and she moved into her new place and that was enough reason to go spend a little family time. My mom really wanted me to go and, well, I'm proud of her. But, here's the neat thing: I had a really great time! Maybe it was because there was a decent amount of alcohol (we all stayed at my sister's, so if no one is driving, party on!) Maybe it was because it was such a short trip, no one had a chance to get on my nerves. But, I think it's because, finally, everyone is treating everyone else like an adult, even my parents. Whatever it is, I laughed pretty much non-stop from the moment my sister picked me up from the airport. It was well worth giving up my weekend to spend most of it in the airport and on planes.
I guess it's true what they say, people become WISER as they become older. Um...but then again look at me I haven't wised up with age, guess the saying isn't true for us all :P. Anyway, I'm thrilled everything went smoothly with the family, it's not often we get to appreciate it as a whole.
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